To anyone who has had the misfortune of watching a Sunday Night Baseball broadcast – we feel and share your pain.
The source of the pain is the useless, ignorant, insufferable and inept Jessica Mendoza. Why she is part of the broadcast crew is now and will remain a mystery to all. If this is an attempt to attract female fans, ESPN is dreaming in technicolor.
Mendoza is completely not qualified to be in the booth as a so called ‘analyst’. How the hell is this possible? Mendoza has never played in the majors. Mendoza has never played in minors. Mendoza has never played pro baseball. Mendoza has never played college baseball. Mendoza has never coached or managed at any of those baseball levels. So with no experience or involvement in baseball how is Hades can she be an ‘analyst’? Well she cannot.
People will argue – stupidly and falsely – that Mendoza has played. But that is mendacious. She has NEVER PLAYED BASEBALL – EVER. Mendoza has played fastball/softball – women’s fastball/softball. FASTBALL/SOFTBALL. Fastball/softball is not baseball. If you do not grasp this simple fact then you are a complete and utter moron. And an ignorant one at that. You must, then, also think that ringette is hockey. Think about that dipstick.
Her presence on Sunday Night Baseball – or any baseball setting – is a total joke. And it is insulting to the max. Mendoza knows diddley squat about baseball and it shows as soon as she opens her pie hole. She believes if she tosses in inside baseball lexicon, it will give her the appearance of knowing something. That is what she thinks and that is what she does. Little does Mendoza know how absolutely stupid and ignorant she sounds. And in an futile effort to give the impression that she knows and is in the know, she interjects constantly about anything – both technical and about the players or circumstances as if she has been in the game for 30 years. It is total bullshite. She has no context given her zero experience and zero technical knowledge.
An example of this is the following: in the recent Cubs vs Yankees tilt, Jacoby Ellsbury hit a 2 run home run in the 8th inning to give the Yankees a 4-1 lead. Ellsbury yanked an inside pitch – either a fastball or cutter – just inside the foul pole in right field. The pitch bordered the black and the inside part of the plate – half the ball was on the dish. And the pitch was just above his knees almost mid-thigh. A decent pitch and spot and a tough pitch to keep fair if contact is made – almost every time it is tugged foul if in the air. This time Ellsbury lucked out and it stayed fair.
Now the experienced voice in the booth – Aaron Boone – said just what you have read.
However, the ignorant and moronic Mendoza had preceded that expert analysis by saying – when the replay came on – that Ellsbury was able to make contact with a pitch “up in the zone”. Notice the phrasing by Mendoza. She says “up in the zone” because saying “up in the strike zone” would sound like a rookie or dope. You see, saying “the zone” is code for I know what I am talking about because “the zone” means strike zone. Now this on its face is horseshit. When she said “zone” we wondered if she meant the school zone, speed zone. O-zone, parking zone, safe zone, no go zone, temperature zone, zone diet, time zone. It is this type of wordsmithing that Mendoza employs to keep employed. It is so phony and total horseshite.
The replay clearly showed that Boone was 100 % correct and Mendoza temporarily shut up.
She, of course, could not continue to do us all a favor and keep it shut. She then carried on with information capsules on players that had the span of years. As if Mendoza – in her 2nd year in the booth – has any knowledge or context or interaction with ANY PLAYER over the course of their career to comment on at all.
Each telecast is filled with similar types of Mendoza exchanges. She is supremely unqualified and ignorant. And do not take our word for it, just search the web and similar critiques will show up. Of course, anyone who criticizes her is labeled as sexist or worse. The labelers are as daft and ignorant and unqualified as Mendoza. It has nothing to do with gender, only knowledge. And that is all that should matter to any fair-minded person. Unless of course you are a feminazi warrior or progressive or ignorant [redundant] millennial. Only in the alternative universe of identity politics can the unqualified be qualified. Eric Blair is spinning in his grave.
Mendoza’s voice and spewing are akin to nails across a blackboard. It is insulting to all viewers to have her in the booth. It is worse having to listen to her. This genuflection to political correctness makes Sunday Night Baseball a joke fest and unwatchable. Mendoza makes Joe Morgan and Tim McCarver look like wordsmith savants. The real baseball people have to be embarrassed with her presence.
But this is ESPN. They do not have a clue. And they wonder why their subscriber base is taking a massive hit. This is part of the reason
Message to Mendoza – SHUT UP, GET LOST, GO WAY.