Enough is enough. We call uber BULLSHIT on Kevin Pillar.

This guy has spent WAY TOOOO much time reading his own press clippings and paying WAY TOOOO much attention to sycophantic ignorant fans who don’t have a clue. What started out a couple years back as a honest hard working grunt player has turned into a bloody circus with Pillar as the ringleader.
Pillar is a very good outfielder and can go and get it. However, he has, over time, made catches more difficult looking than they are and has taken the Superman thing beyond the beyond. So much so that he dives whenever he can to make catches. It is phony, it is dishonest, it is obscene. AND HE KNOWS IT.
The catch he made against Cleveland Monday night was a good catch. He did not have to leave his feet. He had to stretch for sure, but the dive slowed him down. If he just kept on running, he would have make the catch and if you watch it in slow mo, you see the ball almost in his glove just as he is diving. With no dive, he makes the catch and most likely tumbles afterward. But that does not fit his egotistical narrative anymore. He is now all about show and nothing else.
To educate: when attempting to get to a ball – wherever it is hit – outfielders need to run through the ball to have the best chance to make the catch. Diving slows down the process. That is not an opinion it is a fact. It is akin to player diving into first base to beat out a hit when it is faster to run through the bag. Players who dive into the bag are not trying to get a hit, they are attempting to trick the umpire by kicking up a little dirt to obfuscate the visual for the umpire. It works sometime, but now, with the review process, it is useless. Running through the bag will not cause deceleration and gives the player the best chance to beat the throw. That is, again, a fact and not opinion. Players who keep doing it are doing it only for show – being a hot dog.
Same thing goes for Pillar. He is now fully covered in mustard and relish. While he thinks that he is wearing blue and red, he is really wearing yellow and green. It is laughable to watch him now. His main concern now is diving or sliding to every ball hit his way. It is a joke and if he was a person with any integrity and honor he would cease and desist. But he won’t. He is following in the footsteps of Jim Edmonds who was the first one to jump the shark over time. Now Pillar.
This speaks volumes of the guy’s character. He has none.