NBA players cannot shoot – save for Curry, Ms. Thompson, and a bit JR Smith.
Kyrie [pronounce Keer’- ree- ay – because it is Latin not Keye – ree, unless you pronounce ‘Tom’” as ‘bahb’- just pronounce names as the English language or whatever etymology intended – not as you wish it to sound, in which case spell it differently numbskull] Irving cannot shot at all. He lucked out – yes LUCK – making the fade away one footer in Game 7. So what. He still cannot shoot. Irving is a slower Russell Westbrook.
NBA players are pretty much morons for thinking that fundamentals do not matter in shooting and that falling backward on one foot is good form and will result in success – e.g. – see above Irving, Kyrie.
The Warriors won 3 games on complete BS – call it luck but better termed anomaly game – the game where the subs scored all the points, the game where Despicable Green scored 21 points in the first half and 28 in the game (he scored more than 25 points 3 times in 100 games – so a 3 % event); and the game where the Warriors scored more 3’s than 2’s and the Cavs shot 23 % from 3’s. All of these games were anomaly games and, ergo, lucky in happening in the Warriors favor. In game 7 Doofus Green made 7 of 9 3’s and the Warriors shot 57 %. So spare us the horse-shite of having a bad night, the team had a great night shooting 3’s.
NBA players cannot even make layups.
NBA referees now exceed – greatly – NFL referees in incompetence.
Tyrone Lue is a terrible coach. He does not know what he is doing at all. The guy could not even employ a system – unless that system is just let LeBron James do whatever he wants – to put the dagger in the heart of the opponent when he had the chance. A brutal X and O guy
Stephen Curry is the best set shot shooter of all time. It is not a jump shot. He has a bunny jump in his set shot, but it is still at set shot because he does not jump and shoot, he set shots and jump like a 10 year old would do because he does not have the strength to do a jump shot. That is why he gets the shot off so quickly. If defenders worked the lower third of his body with their arms and hands, they would be able to stop him from getting his shot off so quickly. Don’t put anyone tall on him, get someone smaller below his line of site and get the defender to be very low in his coverage and active with his hands and arms lower than Curry’s. That will be successful because he flashes the ball early on the set shot and a defender will be able to get a hand on it. And Curry’s line of sight will have to focus downward on his defender to ensure he protects the ball thereby talking he eyes off the floor and the hoop. And most importantly the hand action should be from the bottom up and the top down – that way you don’t get reach in and hand slap fouls. There is your defensive lesson courtesy of Henry R. And you must force him to his left – every time. If you have to ask why, then you absolutely do not know the game.
The NBA and some teams (the Toronto Raptors) have made a monumental mistake is associating themselves with rappers. Or any entertainers for that matter. Especially talentless ones. And to make them ‘goodwill ambassadors”? A person who is emblematic of a misogynist thuggish gang culture? Good work Raptors. Great family experience at ball games. Try to get that genie back in that bottle. You could have appointed – on a rotating basis – a group of youngsters who love basketball and who are your future ticket buyers and who really would represent the ‘good’ in goodwill. But the organization and the people running it are moronic to the extreme. MORONIC.
LeBron James will never reach another NBA Finals – at least not as a Cavalier.
Russell Westbrook was exposed as the selfish out of control player that he is.
Billy Donovan did such a crappy coaching job, his overall coaching skills must be questioned. Even though the Thunder were not in THE FINALS.
Draymond Green is one of the most disgusting ‘humans’ on the planet. He has no class, no honor. He is purely and solely a thug. One day someone will give him what he richly deserves.
The Warriors are not the greatest anything.
And Curry and Ms. Thompson are not the greatest shooters of all time. Not even close. Try Jerry ‘Mr. Clutch’ West, Larry Bird, ‘Pistol’ Pete Maravich, Rick Mount, Reggie Miller, Gail Goodrich, Rick Barry, George ‘Ice Man’ Gervin, Archie Clark, Brian Taylor, Billy Cunningham, Jack Marin, John Paxson, Calvin Murphy, Earl Monroe, Bill Bradley, Tiny Archibald, Alan Iverson, Dan Issel, Louie Dampier, – that’s just a start.
Lastly – millennial sports ‘writers’ at CBS Sports; Fox Sports; Sporting News; ESPN; Omnisport; TSN; Sportsnet; – have never played basketball at any level, let alone an elite level. They know nothing – absolutely nothing about the game of basketball. Posting a long list of analytics/metrics does not make them knowledgeable about the game. Nothing that they write about has any value. Who the hell hires these ignoramuses?
PSR Commentary – June 29, 2016