The Sports Media is as dishonest as the lamesteam media





Hyperbole and outright lies are, generally, the sole dominion of the reporting media – in all forms – television, radio, print, and, the leader, the electronic media. With the electronic age never before have so much bull sugar been dished out to so many so often.


Every day thousands of articles in the printed word – now keyboarded word – are created that are nothing more than litter on the electronic highway. At least with newspaper there was some utility for lining the bottom of birdcages (the prime location for the NYT and other liberal rags) washing windows.


The real drek is generated not by bloggers who are just generating belly button stuff, but by those employed by official media outlets. That is really stinky stuff and can certainly does not need to go through the touch and taste tests to determine its composition.


One expects the vast majority of this shite deals with politics, current culture, or divisive social issues. It is no surprise, in the millennial age [barf] that sports ‘reporting’ is not spared the foul smell of pure effluent. It comes in droppings – mostly small but many – but every so often a big dump happens.


This is the case with the story and coverage of Jenny Finch ‘guest-managing’ for a mnor league professional baseball team.  Minor league teams are constantly coming up with marketing ideas, of which some are utterly brilliant, to attract fans. The Bridgetown team announced this past March that Finch would be a ‘guest manager’. The team has had ‘guest managers’ in the past – Pete Rose and  – and this announcement was CLEARLY AND SPECIFICALLY a marketing scheme to attract fans to come and see Ms. Finch, who is an accomplish woman’s fastball pitcher, and obtain her autograph to those inclined to seek it.


The ‘sports media’ and ‘sports reporters/journalists’ took this marketing ploy and turned into some type of historic and ground breaking event labeling Ms. Finch being the first female to manage a professional baseball team. If this were not so funny it would be tragic – which it is. Ms. Finch was there for a promotional stunt only. Period. To characterize this as anything but that is despicable and a mockery of the game of baseball. Let’s not even consider the fact that Ms. Finch is very easy on the eyes but consider if this would be a promotional stunt if Ms. Finch resembled Marla Hooch


.Furthermore fastball, which Ms. Finch plays, is not the same as baseball. They are completely different games. If anyone needs that explained, they don’t know anything about either game, so it would be a waste of time beginning that conversation. People consider it the same because there is a ball that is pitched to a hitter who tries to hit it. Well, so it is in cricket as well, and cricket will never be confused with baseball or vice versa. Regardless of similarities in some rules, fastball is not baseball as much as fastball players want it be so.


To suggest that Ms. Finch is in any way qualified to be a baseball manager, therefore making this a historical (for whom – women, sports, both?) – is farcical on its face, and dishonest in its presentation. It makes a mockery of the game of baseball and is insulting to anyone who knows the game, which is really only those who have played at a high level.


To attach the ‘historical’ label to Mr. Finch something that people, for certain, will be using it a ‘first’ item – first night game, first DH, first something. Be careful Jackie Robinson, you will have company in the pantheon of ‘firsts’.


Why the media organizations feel compelled to report such a colossal lie – outside of politics – is obscene and any intelligent person will see it as such. The Bridgeport team is not to blame for anything but Ms. Finch needs to share some responsibility for this sham and how it is being portrayed. She must have known what would happen and if she had said that this was what is was and not with what it is being reported, then this would be a non-story. But it has morphed into an incredible lie that is pushed further by reporters taking the next day to write about Ms. Finch’s first win as a manager. This is completely obscene and insane.


Prime Sports Report calls this for what it is since its readers are intelligent and knowledgeable and would never accept such an obscene lie and see it for anything other than what it is.




PSR Commentary – June 1, 2016