Make what stop?
The hyperbole, the freaking nonsense by ‘sportswriters’, those millennial morons who do not know a baseball from a meatball even if it jumped out of the toilet and bit them in the ass. It’s getting ridiculous.
Now Sparky pointed out– because he is a diehard Blue Jay – that the dopey slobbering over Yankees rookie catcher Gary Sanchez is beyond the pale. Notwithstanding that this comes from a Blue Jays fan who hourly hears and reads about the most overrated team and players in the history of any sport and whose ‘sportswriters’ and announcers are so dishonest and void of integrity that it makes all other “homers” looks like boy scouts – he is absolutely correct about the slop on Sanchez.
High expectations have been out there for Sanchez but the inclusion of NY sportswriters labeling him the ‘Sanbino’ is risible and insulting. After 20 plus games. Totally ridiculous. Sanchez beat a record owned by Trevor Story – rookie at Colorado – and bested George ‘Boomer’ Scott by a couple. The others on the list of fastest to 11 dingers are not long and the players are not Ruthesque in any stretch of the imagination.
New York is not called the Big Apple for nothing and publicity rules – as opposed to Toronto where ignorance rules – but this exceeds even their most out of bounds coverage. While the sports pages and writers produce dopey content so the paper or columns will be read, the baseball fans in NY have seen so many great players that they are not on this hyperbole bandwagon. They have seen the real goods in George Herman, Henry Louis, Joe D, Mickey, Yogi, Whitey, Thurman, Reggie, Donnie, Derek, Mariano – the last names are not necessary in these cases because those players are one of kind and known by all. They have also seen Ron Bloomberg, Kevin Maas, Shelley Duncan, and Shane Spencer. This list of players is light years from the former list. So NY baseball fans do not buy into the dopey cheerleading. Everything is we’ll see what happens which it should and which you will never hear uttered by any Blue Jay fan.
That does not diminish the drek that comes from all the articles and comments that are unfair to Sanchez would will not possibly be able – now – to live up to any expectations, especially Ruthian. Hopefully he will be circumspect about all this and not read the headlines nor develop an oversized ego – like every Blue Jay player.
Time will determine what Sanchez becomes. It will also reveal which fans and cheerleaders have any honour to dismiss the drek.