In what has to be the most classless and hypocritical slogan of any sports teams for any playoffs – this is really getting quite stupid and teams should ‘ixnay’ the phony bravado as it is massively lame – being “RESPECT’ with Toronto underneath, the Toronto Blue Jays – otherwise known as the most hated team in baseball – showed their true colours.
Whoever came up with this deserves to be beaten. Regardless of who thought of this nauseous and beyond phony slogan it sticks directly on the players and the organization. Because this group of players don’t give a crap about Toronto. All they care about are themselves. Hubris reigns supreme. One would be hard pressed to find any team baseball team with bigger egos and thinner skin. They rejoice and crave recognition, not accomplishment. Every last one of them.
For each and every one of them it is the “I’ and not the “We” no matter their utterances about the team. Furthermore, they do not ask for respect for the City of Toronto as most foreign visitors seem to like TO. No, they want respect for themselves, deserved or otherwise. Because other teams don’t respect them – one because they are prima donna pricks and two because they are not that good but have gigantic egos and a sense of entitlement – and that is palpable, the players must advertise for it. It will never happen.
These guys are phony to the core – every one of them, excluding Joaquin Benoit who honestly pointed out how thin skinned his teammates are. They all talk a good game but all they want is WWE type adulation. All that is missing is the cape worn by the late Macho Man Randy Savage [actually Randy Poffo]. These guys are all sizzle and no steak and not an ounce of humility.
And so it with great irony that this team who do not respect the game – just look at their antics – or any other team, expects that by wearing a T-shirt and wining the pennant semi-finals will suddenly have people bowing down in front of them. Sorry to disappoint.
No matter how much ass kissing and hyperbole that come from a truly disgusting lap poodle local media who have a big bromance going with the players and would do anything to curry favour from these guys – like writing puff pieces on their greatness – so they can call them by their first names [it’s a millennial thing], the Jays players and organization and homer announcers will always be classless and without integrity. No matter what they do.
There worm will turn, as it always does, and it is guaranteed with hatchet men Mark Shapiro and Ross Atkins and teams will have exact revenge that will last for many years. And no one will shed a tear as the teams will wish they could stomp them even more. It will look good on Jays’ fans as well, who know diddley about baseball and only show up if there is a chance to make the playoffs. When the years of famine kick in – like 2017 – there will be no fans in the stands and of those beer can throwers will turn their backs on the team thereby showing what fair weather they truly are.
That will be fun to see for many years and could happen to a more despicable bunch of people.
PSR Commentary – October 10, 2016