The pennant races start today September 1.



It always has, it always will. Any assertion to the contrary is incorrect and whomever utters such stupidity should not be taken seriously. Case in point – the ignorant co-hosts on the Sid & Tim show on These 2 idiots are bereft of knowledge in addition to being talentless. To illustrate how obtuse and ignorant these two goobers are, they uttered the ‘wild’ word in mid- May – see PSR commentary here. One cannot make that up



For further reference to those who don’t know anything about baseball – about 99.99999 % – September 1 of each year marks the beginning of the pennant race. And not a day sooner. Anything prior to this date has been foreplay. Anyone who says otherwise or starts talking about the wild card before this date is an idiot and ignoramus.



This is the home stretch. The real games begin now.



You’re welcome.



PSR Commentary Sept. 1, 2017